Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Dozen Thoughts On Israel's War on Hamas

Daniel Pipes is quite correct in his recent analysis of the situation reproduced below in its entirety from his Blog:

Myths and Facts About Robert's Rules

Myth #1
The only time the President of the association can vote at a Board meeting is to break a tie or in an election.

Fact: Robert’s Rules of Order provide that the President of an assembly is only entitled to vote when the vote is by ballot or where the vote would change the result, i.e. break a tie. However, in the community association context in almost all cases the President of the association is also a member of the Board of Directors. In essence he or she wears two hats – one as an officer of the corporation and one as a Director. Thus, at a meeting of the Board of Directors a President of an association who is also a Director has a fiduciary duty to vote on all issues properly before the Board.

Myth #2
A Director may abstain from voting on an issue.

Fact: Robert’s Rules of Order provides that a member who does not have an opinion on an issue may abstain from voting on the issue. However, in the community association context a Director may only abstain from voting if he or she has a legitimate conflict of interest directly related to the issue or subject being considered. An example of a conflict of interest, which would allow a Director to abstain, would be if the Board was considering hiring the Director’s spouse to be the manager of the association. asserting a conflict of interest must state the nature of the conflict on the record.

Myth #3
An abstention counts as a “Yes” vote.

Fact: An abstention does not count as a “yes” vote and in fact it is not counted at all. Robert’s Rules of Order and Florida law provide that a person who has not abstained because of an asserted conflict of interest is deemed to have agreed with the majority and thus cannot later claim to have been against the action. If, however, the Board is deadlocked because of an abstention then there is no majority and the motion fails.

Myth #4
The Board of Directors may use secret ballots to vote on any issue they deem appropriate.

Fact: The only time it is appropriate for secret ballots to be used is when the Board is electing the officers.

Myth #5
Members do not have the right to speak at meetings of the Board of Directors.

Fact: Under Robert’s Rules of Order members of an assembly have the right to speak. However, this is not always the case at community association Board meetings. In the condominium context pursuant to §718.112(2)(c), Florida Statutes, members have the right to attend meetings of the Board and to speak about all items on the agenda. The Board may, however, adopt reasonable rules governing the frequency, duration, and manner of unit owner statements. In the homeowner association context, however, while a member has the right to attend Board meetings he or she does not have the right to speak unless the association documents give members the right to speak at Board meetings.

Myth #6
All motions must be seconded.

Fact: Most motions do need a second in order to be considered by the Board. However, some motions do not need a second. Types of motions that do not require a second include: questions of privilege (i.e.: complain about the heat, noise, etc.), points of order (point out a rule violation to the chair), a call for division (requesting a voice vote be verified by having members raise their hands), points of information (requesting more information about a topic under debate), and objections to consideration of a particular matter.

Myth #7
All motions are debatable.

Fact: Robert’s Rules of Order does not require that all motions be debated. Types of motions that are not debatable include: motion to adjourn, question of privilege, motion to table consideration of an issue, motion to end debate on a main motion, point of order, a call or division and a request for information from the chair.

Myth #8
All meetings must be run according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Fact: There is no law that requires community associations to operate their meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Often times, however, the Declaration, Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation will require that meetings utilize Robert’s Rules of Order. However, this still does not mean that every single technical rule must be followed to the letter. In fact, Robert’s Rules of Order provides that smaller assemblies may operate with less formality. This would certainly apply to community association Boards, which generally have from three to seven Directors. Regardless of what degree of formality the Board utilizes, it is important to be consistent in the use and application of the rules.

Myth #9
Without a quorum, nothing can be done.

Fact: In the absence of a quorum, the Board or the members at a members meeting may not transact business but they may take measures to establish a quorum, fix the time to adjourn, adjourn, or take a recess. Additionally, it should be noted that there is no quorum requirement for the election of Directors of a condominium association but at least 20% of the eligible voters of the association must cast a ballot in order to have a valid election.

Myth #10
The Board of Directors can exclude members from attending the Board meeting by holding an “Executive Session.”

Fact: Under Robert’s Rules of Order, a Board may meet in “executive session” and thereby exclude members and keep the proceedings secret. However, in the community association context the only time a Board may meet in executive session is when the Board is meeting with the association’s attorney to seek legal advice with respect to proposed or pending litigation.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Israel's Right of Self Defense

This is off topic, but it's my blog and I'll post what I want to...

The IDF recently moved to stop the terrorist Hamas leadership in Gaza from shooting thousands of rockets and mortars into Israel.

From the Jerusalem Post:

On Friday, a Hamas spokesman made Israel the following proposal: You keep the stream of humanitarian aid and supplies flowing into Gaza and we will keep launching rockets and mortars at Israeli civilians.

Islamic Jihad terrorists...

Islamic Jihad terrorists place rockets before firing them towards Israel on the outskirts of Gaza City.
Photo: AP

It was an offer Israel had little choice but to refuse.

For weeks Israel has been imploring Hamas to stop shooting across the border, to stop tunneling in preparation for the next round of violence, and to allow our farmers to tend their fields. The Islamists responded that they were not afraid of the IDF and that they reserved the right to resist "the occupation" - meaning the existence of a Jewish state. They brazenly told Israel to get used to the idea that no amount of humanitarian gestures would stem their behavior.

At 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Israel finally told Hamas that it would not be bled, slowly, to death. Thanks to excellent intelligence and superb training, a haughty enemy was caught off-guard. Targets up and down the Strip were hit and large numbers of Hamas personnel including senior military figures were killed. Key facilities were turned into rubble; well-camouflaged equipment was destroyed.


As for the media and the rest of the world, here is a little greeting for your holidays. We will not back down, we will not "Turn the other cheek" and are tired of being told to make "Painful concessions" for peace with people who want only to kill Jewish DNA. No porportionality, no triple standard that only Israel must adhere to.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Donald Trump's Defense to Foreclosures!

Here is an article from the New York Times where Mr. Trump asserts that the recession and his company's inability to pay is an "Act of G-d". I bet we'll see the Twinkie defense used soon---"I had too many Twinkies so I had such a sugar rush that I didn't know that my payment would adjust to market rates in 3 years!!!

Who's On First?

Here is a news item about a "dysfunctional" Tallahassee community association that ran up all kinds of legal fees in an unsuccessful attempt to enforce ARC 'requirements." They now seek bankruptcy protection, ha! Good luck with that!

I wonder if they saw my video on this at You Tube...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Even Half Way Through!

For those of you who thought that we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel in community association real estate, which was especially subject to speculation here in Florida, I respectfully suggest that you hunker down; it may be an oncoming train--bottom line? Get an aggressive collection policy and lock and load....

See more at my web site, www.condocollections.com

Last night 60 minutes aired a segment on the next wave of mortgage foreclosures expected to hit the U.S. The first wave that we have are still living through has to do with "sub-prime" mortgages. Starting in 2009 the variable arm loans and "Alt-A" loans will start to re-set. The statistics are showing that based on today's economy 70% of these loans will fail. The report focused on Miami-Dade and expected that area to be hit very hard. The hit is forecast to begin beginning first quarter 2009 through 2010. "Alt A" loans are defined as "a classification of mortgages where the risk profile falls between prime and sub prime. The borrowers behind these mortgages will typically have clean credit histories, but the mortgage itself will generally have some issues that increase its risk profile. These issues include higher loan-to-value and debt-to-income ratios or inadequate documentation of the borrower's income."

The 60 minutes report starts out: CBS... When it comes to bailouts of American business, Barney Frank and the Congress may be just getting started. Nearly two trillion tax dollars have been shoveled into the hole that Wall Street dug and people wonder where the bottom is.

As correspondent Scott Pelley reports, it turns out the abyss is deeper than most people think because there is a second mortgage shock heading for the economy. In the executive suites of Wall Street and Washington, you're beginning to hear alarm about a new wave of mortgages with strange names that are about to become all too familiar. If you thought sub-primes were insanely reckless wait until you hear what's coming."

The link below will take you to the full story where you can read it or watch the segment.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Victory In Iraq Day

I'd like to give a shout out to the patriots at www.zombietime.com for proclaiming November 22, 2008 as Victory in Iraq day. I supported the war as it was proposed to us by the Bush Administration. I was amazed at the speed with which our brave troops broke into and past the Iraqi army and took the country by storm, so to speak.

I think Bremer and Rumsfeld, et.al.  committed criminal indifference, if not worse, for the way in which the post military victory was handled, during which time we almost lost the war. The "Surge" was the only option left, and I'm certain that arming the Sunnis to the teeth and their revulsion to the tactics of al-Queda, along with the muzzling of Moktada al-Sadr, probably by al-Sistani, was a large part of the success of the Surge.

Regardless, we won the war; let's win the peace and get out of Dodge.  It's time for the Iraqis to stand up and let us get home.  Well done, ladies and gents, come home.

FYI, my law office alone shipped 200+ boxes of magazines, candy, cigarettes, etc. to our troops there and my heart goes out to their families. We owe them a debt of gratitude for deploying as the deadliest, most compassionate fighting force on earth, save perhaps for the IDF. 

Way to go, huzzah!, now let President Obama get with the generals and find out how to get you home!!!

Feds stop loophole debt strapped consumers use

here we go, homeowners underwater in debt have discovered a way out; find and buy a home in their community that is selling for half the price they paid 3 years ago, move out of their hopelessly overpriced residence and let the lender foreclose on the former abode.  This is part ofthe 'cretive destruction" of capitalism, and one of the only way a "little guy" could game the system to save himself without help from Uncle Sam....Not so fast say the regulators....

Little guys, bend over, big guys, get your hands out....billions for you!!!

September 19, 2008



SUBJECT: Converting Existing Homes to Rentals—Underwriting Instructions

Through this Mortgagee Letter, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) takes steps to immediately respond to an unscrupulous practice arising in the housing mortgage market that poses a risk to FHA, FHA-approved lenders, and consequently to FHA’s ability to help new homeowners.

Recently, FHA and others in the mortgage industry have observed an increasing number of homeowners who have chosen to vacate their existing principal residence and purchase a new residence. This has been occurring as some homeowners, given the rising price of fuel, are relocating to homes nearer their employment, or are taking advantage of other home buying opportunities arising in the marketplace.

Due to FHA’s concern that some homebuyers in these transactions may attempt to provide misleading information regarding the rental income of the property being vacated to qualify for the new mortgage, FHA is instituting underwriting guidance designed to assure that the homebuyer can make payments on the full debt service of both mortgages. Consequently, beginning with case number assignments on or after the date of this Mortgagee Letter and until further notice, the underwriting analysis may not consider any rental income from the property being vacated except under circumstances described in this Mortgagee Letter. The exclusion of rental income from property being vacated is being instituted on a temporary basis while FHA further analyzes this situation to determine whether permanent measures may need to be taken. This will assure that a homeowner either has sufficient income to make both mortgage payments without any rental income or has an equity position not likely to result in defaulting on the mortgage on the property being vacated. In either case, this guidance is directed to preventing the practice known as “buy and bail” where the homebuyer purchases, for example, a more affordable dwelling with the intention to cease making payments on the previous mortgage. Although the property being vacated will not have a mortgage insured by FHA, surrounding properties may and, thus, FHA may be indirectly negatively affected should that property result in a foreclosure.


Rental income on the property being vacated, reduced by the appropriate vacancy factor as determined by the jurisdictional FHA Homeownership Center (see http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/ref/sfh2-21u.cfm) may be considered in the underwriting analysis under the following circumstances:

  • Relocations: The homebuyer is relocating with a new employer, or being transferred by the current employer to an area not within reasonable and locally recognized commuting distance. A properly executed lease agreement (i.e., a lease signed by the homebuyer and the lessee) of at least one year’s duration after the loan is closed is required. FHA recommends that underwriters also obtain evidence of the security deposit and/or evidence the first month’s rent was paid to the homeowner.

  • Sufficient Equity in Vacated Property: The homebuyer has a loan-to-value ratio of 75 percent or less, as determined by either a current (no more than six months old) residential appraisal or by comparing the unpaid principal balance to the original sales price of the property. The appraisal, in addition to using forms Fannie Mae1004/Freddie Mac 70, may be an exterior-only appraisal using form Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac 2055, and for condominium units, form Fannie Mae1075/Freddie Mac 466.

The guidance in this Mortgagee Letter applies solely to a principal residence being vacated in favor of another principal residence. This Mortgagee Letter is not applicable to existing rental properties disclosed on the loan application and confirmed by tax returns (Schedule E of form IRS 1040).

It is important to note that if the property being vacated had a mortgage insured by FHA, eligibility for a second FHA insured mortgage can only occur under the exemptions described in handbook HUD-4155.1 REV-5, paragraph 1-2.

If you have any questions regarding this Mortgagee Letter, call 1-800-CALLFHA.


Brian D. Montgomery

Assistant Secretary for Housing-

Federal Housing Commissioner

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announce foreclosure suspensions

It appears that the the now governmentally owned entities are either having a little less Scrooge in their hearts (unlikely) or are choking on REO property.  My best guess is that they figure it's better to have occupied homes where people are maintaining the property instead of destroying it when they move out when served with foreclosure.

In either case, this means that community associations have a greater window of opportunity to require owners to pay or face foreclosure themselves.  As I was quoted in the Tampa Tribune, "I'm not Snidely Whiplash" but people need to know that they cannot ignore the associations' demands to pay, or they will be foreclosed on.

This announcement means that if your association takes title as the result of a foreclosure, it has more time to rent the property on a short term basis.......

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Provisions contained within two bills which were signed by the Governor on June 19, 2007 become effective on July 1, 2007, and require immediate attention by homeowners' associations. The first of these bills is critical to all homeowners' associations who exercise architectural control in regard to exterior changes that are made in the community. The second hill relates to collection of past-due assessments, which only impacts some associations.


A new Section 720.3035 has been added to the Florida Statutes as this relates to homeowners' associations. This legislation indicates that the authority of an association or any committee to review and approve plans or applications for the location, size, type, or appearance of any structure or improvement, or to enforce standards for the external appearance of any structure or improvement, "shall be permitted only to the extent that the authority is specifically stated or reasonably inferred as to such location, size, type, or appearance in the Declaration of Covenants or other published guidelines and standards authorized by the Declaration of Covenants".

In my opinion, there must be detailed architectural standards contained in the Declaration, or in Rules or Architectural Guidelines which are authorized by the Declaration,and which have been adopted by the Board or an architectural committee (depending on the governing documents), in order to regulate alterations to properties in homeowners' associations.

First, homeowners' associations should make sure that they have authority for ACC, ARC or similar rulemaking, and if not to attempt to adopt an amendment immediately for this purpose.The associations also need to immediately attempt to develop detailed architectural standards for the location, size, type andappearance of any structures, improvements, or alterations.

The statute goes on to say that if the Declaration or any published standards or guidelines provide any options for the use of materials, or for the size of structures or improvements, or the design or location of the structures or improvements, the association or the committee cannot restrict the right of an owner to select from any of the options provided. Another change is to clarify that only one front setback may exist on a parcel, even if it is bounded by a roadway or easement.

The next subsection of this statute indicates that the rights of the owners to make improvements or alterations, subject only to the published guidelines and standards, is not to be unreasonably infringed upon or impaired by the association or any committee, and if such an infringement does take place, the adversely affected owner shall be entitled to recover damages, including costs and attorneys' fees, if it can be shown that the association unreasonably or willfully impaired the rights of the owners to make improvements or alterations.

The final subsection recognizes that standards and guidelines cannot be inconsistent with the Declaration of Covenants, so Declarations need to be reviewed to ensure consistency between any guidelines and the specific restrictions contained in the Declaration.

This requires that each homeowners' association review their Declaration and all of their written criteria in regard to architectural control, as well as the amendment procedures for the Declaration, and the authority to adopt rules and regulations. Any homeowners' association which needs legal input on this critical new law needs to contact their association attorney.

I strongly recommend that associations adopt a temporary "stop-gap" resolution or motion at a Board, ACC, or ARC meeting as soon as reasonably possible. We have wording we can suggest for this purpose.

Also, in some Declarations the architectural committee has the authority to adopt standards, rather than the Board. Boards need to consider assuming control of this process, if permitted by the documents, by designating the Board of Directors as the committee which will have the authority to adopt standards and approve future applications. The committee can be utilized as an advisory committee to assist the Board in developing standards and reviewing applications.

Equally important, but not part of the legislation, is how applications that do not meet your criteria need to be handled.

Some of the examples of architectural criteria which may need to be developed by homeowners' associations to the extent that these are not specifically spelled out in the Declaration include: paint colors (a specific palette of paint colors is recommended); locations for satellite dishes and antennas; criteria for fences; requirements for mailboxes; criteria for any improvements on patios or balconies, including screening or enclosures; and numerous other criteria and standards which include any potential exterior modifications or additions which an owner may wish to make.

This is a very challenging and burdensome new law which requires immediate attention for all homeowners' associations who wish to retain the right to exercise architectural control.


This is another significant change relating to homeowners' associations. A new Section 720.3085 has been created in the Florida Statutes which regulates the collection process for homeowners' associations, in regard to a number of issues. Among the changes included in this new statute is one which requires immediate attention.

In order to attempt to prevent premature foreclosures against homeowners, some new notice requirements have been added. The statute now requires that before a claim of lien may be filed against the lot or unit, a written notice or demand for past-due assessments and other amounts owed must be sent to the owner at least 45 days prior to the time that a claim of lien is filed. Any such demand must be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and also by first-class United States mail,to the owner at his or her last address as reflected in the records of the association. If the address shown in the association's records is one other than the address of the unit or lot in the community, a copy of the demand needs to be sent to both the property address and the off-site address, by both regular and certified mail. The cost of the mailing can be included in the amount claimed in the letter. It is very important that associations keep proper records in connection with any such notices. This preliminary notice can either he sent by the association, before referring the matter to its attorney for collection, or otherwise the first notice from the attorneys' office will now need to be a 45-day demand letter, indicating that a claim of lien will be filed if payment is not made. It is suggested that associations or their management companies provide a final 45-day notice before referring the matter to the attorneys' office so that the attorney can then proceed with a claim of lien and another final demand letter. However, if associations prefer, the initial 45-day demand letter can he sent fromour office.

The statute also includes a requirement that no foreclosure suit may be brought until notice has been provided of the intent to foreclose, at least 45 days prior to the time that a foreclosure suit is filed. This means that there are now two 45-day notices which are required (one prior to the filing of a claim of lien, and one prior to a foreclosure suit). In order to prevent significant delays in collections for homeowners' associations, attention will need to be given to these time frames, and coordination between the association and the attorneys' office will need to be verified.

Finally, as to current delinquent accounts, a lien can be filed before July 1, 2007 without requiring a new 45-day notice; and a foreclosure suit can also be filed before July 1, 2007 without providing a new 45-day notice. For this purpose, all homeowners' associations should review the status of their delinquent accounts and determine whether they wish to file any liensor foreclosure actions prior to July 1, 2007.



Essentially, this same bill was passed by the Legislature last year, but was vetoed by Governor Bush since it contained some other provisions which were found to be objectionable. The new bill omitted the most objectionable provision, and this bill was signed by Governor Crist on June 19, 2007. There are several very significant changes which affect homeowners' associations, and one relating to condominium associations.


(1) LENDER CONSENT -- Section 718.1 10(1 1) of the Florida Statutes was amended, as this relates to condominium associations, to provide a more reasonable procedure for obtaining lender consents when these consents are needed to amend condominium documents. The legislation provides that as to any mortgages which are recorded after October 1, 2007, any requirement for lender consent is only applicable to changes which affect the priority of the mortgagee's lien or which otherwise materially affect the rights and interest of the mortgagees. As to mortgages recorded before October 1, 2007, existing provisions in the condominium documents are enforceable, but in connection with obtaining consents or joinders from lenders, the association is entitled to rely upon the public records to identify the holders of-outstanding mortgages, and they can use the address provided in the original recorded mortgage document or any assignment, unless a unit owner has other information. The association is required to write the owners and request the name and address where payments are currently being made. Therefore, notices are either to be sent to the address provided by the unit owner, or to the address shown on the public records if the unit owner does not provide alternative information. Notices are to be sent by a method that establishes proof of delivery (certified mail), and any mortgagee who fails to respond within 60 days from the date of mailing will be deemed to have consented to the amendment.

Any amendment adopted without the required consent of the mortgagees shall he voidable only by a mortgagee who is entitled to notice and an opportunity to consent, and any action to void such an amendment is subject to a five-year statute of limitations.

Finally, the legislation provides that notwithstanding any other provisions of this legislation, an amendment may be adopted to conform a Declaration of Condominium to the insurance coverage provisions in Section 718.11 1(1 I) without lender consent.

As to all condominium associations which have provisions in their documents which require lender consent for amendments, the Association may wish to consider the adoption of an amendment at this time. This legislative change makes it much easier for associations to obtain lender consent. One approach that we have taken previously for these types of Declarations is to change the procedure for future lender consents, so that only a majority of those lenders who provide contact information to the association need to consent, instead of 100 percent of the

lenders. It is also possible to modify the issues which will require lender consent in order to delete those types of amendments that the lenders are not concerned with. If your association has any requirements for lender consent for amendments, please contact your association attorney to discuss this further and to determine what action might be taken to take advantage ofthis new statutory change.


in addition to the new laws relating to architectural control which are discussed above, numerous other changes were made to the laws governing homeowners' associations by this bill, effective July 1, 2007. Some of these changes are as follows:

(I)COMMITTEES — Section 720.303 of the Florida Statutes was amended as this relates to committees. This merely confirms that committees must conduct their business in the same manner as a Board of Directors when a final decision will be made regarding the expenditure of Association funds, or with respect to a committee that has the power to approve or disapprove architectural decisions.

(2) FEES FOR PROVIDING INFORMATION -- An amendment was made to Section 720.303(5)(d) which authorizes homeowners' associations to charge a reasonable fee to a prospective purchaser or a lien holder in regard to providing information about the subdivisionor the association. This information is generally requested by lenders or title companies in connection with financing or real estate closings. The fee which is charged can be up to $150.00,in addition to the cost of photocopying, and any attorneys' fees incurred by the association in connection with the response. Remember that you can include attorneys' fees if you need your attorneys to review any response, or any particular questions that have been asked.

(3) BUDGETING AND RESERVES — A very significant change has been made to the budgeting provisions relating to homeowners' associations found in Section 720.303(6). This addresses reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance. Once an association provides for reserve accounts which are governed by the new statute, the association is to thereafter determine, maintain and waive reserves in compliance with these requirements. The legislation indicates that "an Association shall be deemed to have provided for reserve accounts when reserve accounts have been initially established by the developer or when the membership of the Association affirmatively elects to provide for reserves".If reserve accounts were not initially provided for by the developer, the membership of the association may elect to do so upon the affirmative approval of not less than a majority of the total voting interests of the association, either at a duly called meeting or by written consent. The approval is to indicate that reserve accounts will be provided for in the budget, and to designate the specific components forwhich the reserve accounts are to be established. Once the members have approved this, the Board must thereafter provide for the required reserve accounts in the budget each year thereafter. The reserves are to be computed based upon the estimated remaining useful life and estimated replacement cost or deferred maintenance expense of each reserve item.

Once reserve accounts are established which are governed by the new statute (it appears that membership approval is required to the extent that reserves were not established by the developer, regardless of whether the Board has subsequently funded reserves), then there is also an opportunity for the membership to vote (by a majority of members present at a meeting, in person or by proxy, provided that a quorum is attained) to waive reserves or to provide less reserves than required by the calculations.

There is also an option to have reserves calculated based upon a pooled analysis of two or more of the required assets, similar to condominiums. There is also now some statutory guidance providing that reserve funds, and any interest accruing on the reserve funds, must remain in the reserve accounts unless they are used for other purposes approved by a majority vote of the membership as described above.

For those associations which are not subject to the requirements for reserves (where the developer has not established reserves or where the Board does not submit this issue to the membership in order to determine which components of reserves should be funded in accordance with the statutory formulas and procedures), homeowners' associations can continue to utilize reserve funds, and provide for reserve funds in their budget, in accordance with the procedures which previously applied to these issues in the governing documents. There were no statutes which previously addressed the manner in which homeowners' associations were to fund or utilize reserve accounts. so this is an issue that would he controlled by the governing documents.

It is very important to address this issue in connection with the upcoming budget season, in order to determine whether the Board wishes to have the membership vote on the issue of establishing certain reserve accounts pursuant to the statutory formulas, or to otherwise determine the extent to which the new law affects the budget and reserve process

There is also an inherent complication in the new law since it requires some associations to fund reserves, but it recognizes that the funding is subject to any maximum increases which may be permitted for the budget of the association. Many homeowners' association documents do not provide limits on budget increases, while others do provide limits as to how much the budget can be increased each year, and the procedures which must be followed to exceed these limits. Unlike the condominium law relating to budget increases, reserves are not excluded in determining the increase in the budget for homeowners' associations, and this will undoubtedly cause some confusion in regard to the interplay between mandatory reserves and related limitations on budget increases. Membership votes will be required in most cases where the new law on reserves applies to a particular association.

(4) FINANCIAL REPORTING The financial reporting provisions for homeowners' associations have also been revised and these are now consistent with the condominium statute, providing for a report to be prepared within 90 days from the end of the fiscal year and to be provided to the members within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year or

such other date as provided in the Bylaws. Prior legislation established financial reporting requirements for homeowners' associations, so that financial reporting requirements are now very similar to condominium associations.

(5) ATTORNEYS' FEES – A minor change was made in regard to attorneys' fees in connection with an owner who prevails in a suit against an association. The statute has been adjusted to indicate that any owner who prevails is not only entitled to recover fees that he or she incurred, but also to be reimbursed for any assessments that the owner was required to contributeto in connection with the funding of the litigation.

(6) DEVELOPER AUDITS – There has been a change which requires developers to provide an audit from an independent CPA at the time of turnover, similar to that which is required for condominium associations. This applies only to associations which are incorporated after December 31, 2007.

(7) DEVELOPER GUARANTEES – There has also been wording added to Section 720.308 of the Florida Statutes to provide detailed criteria for guarantees of assessments in a homeowners' association.

(8) PRE-SUIT MEDIATION REQUIREMENTS – A significant change has been made which will make it easier to enforce violations in homeowners' associations, since the pre-suit mediation requirements have been changed. Instead of being required to file petitions with the State of Florida, an association now is required to make a written demand on the unit owner,indicating that if the owner fails to agree to participate in the mediation process within 20 days from the date of the letter, then the association may proceed with a lawsuit. There arc detailed provisions as to the type of wording which must he included in all letters. There are also provisions for the association to recover costs and attorneys' fees incurred in the pre-suit mediation process; time requirements within which the mediation process must be completed; and other provisions which should make it easier to attempt to utilize mediation prior to lawsuits,without incurring the unnecessary costs and delays which have been experienced in the mediation program administered by the State of Florida.


In addition to the new notice requirements for collections by homeowners' associations, outlined above, a number of other changes have been made which will impact the collection of past-due assessments by homeowners' associations. These are contained in Senate Bill 1844, also effective July 1, 2007.

(1)A provision has been added whereby a new owner is jointly and severally liable with the prior owner for all unpaid assessments that came due up to the time that title was transferred. It is not clear as to whether this applies to a purchaser at a foreclosure sale.

Community Association Collections for Dummies

Here is a shortened version of what I prepared for a client, FYI---

When we are asked to file a lien we send it to the debtor Certified mail and regular mail. We send the original to be filed with the clerk of the court the same day. Law requires that we provide 30 days notice to debtor before filing suit.

Usually we get the return receipt back; sometimes there are issues with the debtors address; there is no one answer fits all. We move as fast as we can. We NEVER give less than the 30 day notice.

After we clear up the issue of notice we ask for approval to foreclose. I recommend that he board authorize management to do so as these are critical times in the industry and delay is bad.
After we get authority to foreclose, we filed the complaint with the court, lis pendens and serve the suit on the debtor. We wait until 30 days after service of the suit on the debtor (time for service varies, maybe out of state, avoiding the process server, whatever) before seeking a default from the clerk of the court if they do not answer.

Usually 3/4 of people who have not paid arrange to make payment at this point including all fees and costs, interest, etc.

If they continue to ignore us, we seek summary judgment; that usually takes 10 more days to get filed and a hearing date is set about 30 days later.

Usually 3/4 of the remaining people pay by this time or make arrangements to do so.
At the summary judgment hearing, we ask for sale of the unit on the courthouse steps to satisfy the amounts due. Usually the court sets it 30 days later.

If we go to sale, we bid up to the amount of the judgment; if someone goes higher, the association is paid in full as well as all interest, costs, etc...if not (about 1 in 200) the association takes title to the unit.

If there is a first mortgage it is subject to that mortgage, what most people do not understand is that no payments are required...no taxes, no insurance, only make sure liability insurance in place.

Usually at this point we try to rent it month to month just to recover lost assessments. I hardly ever ask for fees, and rarely ask for costs to be repaid, as by the time of sale I have about $800 in hard money paid out for the benefit of the association. Given the current environment, I am considering to ask to be reimbursed for my out of pocket costs if nothing is realized at the sale...that is done on a case by case basis.

Friday, October 17, 2008

More foreclosure woes

It is reported that the president of The Venetia's association, angrily told a crowd of South Florida condo dwellers at a meeting this week that 134 units were not paying maintenance fees in the 382-unit building. Of those, at least 35 are in foreclosure, and the owners are not paying and the banks are dragging their feet on foreclosures.the hands of lenders who aren't playing fair.

The unpaid accounts have resulted in higher association fees for everyone and crippling special assessments to cover large one-time expenses like roof repairs. Less than a year ago, The Venetia had to pass an $8,000 special assessment on homeowners because, at the time, roughly a quarter of them were delinquent.

South Florida's foreclosure crisis is dealing its toughest blow to the hundreds of thousands of homeowners who live in condos. High foreclosure rates have made it difficult for many associations to make their budgets and provide services like cable, lawn care and pool maintenance.

Stay on top of your accounts receivable!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A downward spiral?

The Miami Herald reports that in South Florida, 40% of homes purchased in the last 5 years are 'worth" less than is owed on them and 76%(!) of the homes sold since 2006 are. This is only the tip of th eiceberg, as the more homes that are foreclosed on by the "lenders" the more home prices will fall, as they are sold for anywhere from 25%-50% less than other homes in that neighborhood. That leads to less "comps" and less valuation, causing more people to default as they will end up being bailed out by the government, &tc., &tc.

Where will it end? Who knows. My advice continues to be for communioty associations to push hard for prompt, aggressive collections and foreclosures of their own as first mortgage foreclosures are now taking over 18 months in many cases....

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Community Association Collections Crisis Worsens

In the past few months, a huge issue has arisen that needs to be properly dealt with by community associations.

What to do about lender foreclosures?

This post examines the ways to handle the position of the association in such actions.

When a mortgage foreclosure is filed and served, the vast majority of the properties have no equity. On sale, the association will not get paid and its' lien will be wiped out. The ability to obtain a money judgment is available either as part of the foreclosure as a cross claim for damages, or down the road in a Small Claims Court action.

On defense of mortgage foreclosures I notice that some lawyers file a claim, and incurs the expense of a process server and charges the association for the legal fees and costs. I think this is a gross waste of time and money to get a money judgment against someone who is letting a $300,000 asset be taken in th esuit. "You can't get blood from a turnip" is th elegal doctrine here, I believe.....

While this is legally proper, in the short term, I think it is only $$$ in the pocket of the lawyer doing the work. While it may end up with a judgment in favor of the association that is good for 20 years (must be renewed periodically during that time) and may someday be paid off, the association has paid a heck of a lot of money relative to the claim for a piece of paper (the judgment) that may never be collected upon. The reason for my conclusion is that the present value of the money probably never works in favor of the association.

When I defend foreclosures, I do not do counterclaims for that reason; I think it is throwing good money after bad. It's not a situation where one approach is "proper" and one is "improper" it's just that associations are under siege and I see no benefit in charging hundreds of dollars in the context of defending and counterclaiming in a first mortgage foreclosure, with the hope that the amount due will be collected some time in the next 20 years....I answer the complaint and monitor it until the CT is issued.

More later on an aggressive approach in these turbulent times.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Buyers' Remorse or how to publish embellished ads

A group of homeowners recently lost a bid to escape from their purchase contracts in Opera Tower. The advertising material spoke about an amenities that were alleged to be misleading, byt the judge, a Clinton appointee, ruled against them stating that they had full and correct descriptions in the Prospectus.

I am not sure why they did not sue under Section 718.504 which provides for a cause of action for false and misleading advertising.

Moral of the story: There is Moral hazard in many economic decisions; just because Uncle Sam will bail out AIG, doesn't mean that us little guys don't have to pony up when we make bad decisions.

Welcome to my world

I am a lawyer who practices Community Association law in Florida. I am a bit outspoken on issues, and I will try to report fairly on issues of interest to boards of directors, managers and others involved in the operation of this sort of living arrangement which might be seen as the privatization of local government.

For those of you who do not like this form of "government" I suggest that you join www.ccfj.net where you can see the opinions of my friend Jan Bergmann and his minions.

See ya later, Bob