Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Governor Signs SB 360, Vetoes SB 714

I tell ya, I have less and less respect for elected people every day...Gov. Crist signed the Growth Management, which was sponsored by Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, on Monday, despite opposition from Tom Pelham, the Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs. The law will remove transportation concurrency requirements in the state’s dense urban land areas-- tracts with an average of at least 1,000 people per square mile or in counties with populations of at least 1 million and replace it with a “mobility fee system.”  

It will directly affect eight of the state’s largest counties and nearly 250 municipalities across the state.  Get ready for worse traffic, overburdened schools, &tc., &tc., all in the name of Economic Recovery." 

The law also will exempt from the development of regional impact process dense urban areas or parcels classified as “urban infill”, “community redevelopment” or those that are part of an urban service area. It allows for a two-year extension of permitted projects. It passed the Senate on a 30-7 vote. The House passed it by a 78-37 tally.  In the meanitme SB 714 that had a LOT of good things in it and was the ONLY community association related bill, and was passed unanimously by both houses was vetoed, go figure...

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